Hi, I'm Misha.
I'm so glad you're here! Here are a few things about me:​
Sitting on my porch swing, trail running, my blue hydrangeas, and swimming in a lake is my evidence that there is goodness in this world - that and black licorice, which I love.
My clients have ranged in age from 8-85 so far.
I love making mixed media collage art, and I’m currently writing a book.
I worked for years mentoring teens and young adults as well as in leadership development. I have been a lecturer at conferences and in classrooms and seminars around the world on The Gift of Pain.
I am a disordered eating survivor and I had a chronic illness for many years in my twenties related to trauma. Those and other experiences all contributed to my passion for learning about healing and creating safety in our bodies in the day-to-day realities and pressures of living. In addition to my work with clients, I volunteer at my local hospital training community members who volunteer with NODA (No One Dies Alone) to serve as patient companions for those in their final stages of life.
I deeply appreciate open-minded diversity and am a safe space for LGBTQIA+ folx. All walks of life and perspectives are welcome to meet with me. ​Please don't hesitate to reach out if there is any way I can support you.
Qualifications & Training
The Links Between Interoception, the Language of Emotion, and Human Connections, training via Kelly Mahler OTD, OTR/L & Rachael Thompson OT BSc
Level II-a, Clinical training in Embodied Eating Disorder Recovery, via Embodied Recovery Institute
Cornell University, Wellness Counselor
Rhythm of Regulation with Deb Dana, Certificate via Polyvagal Learning Labs
Instructor at Functional Medicine Coaching Academy. Trained and supervised amongst others by Dr. Margarita Tarragona, author and faculty at the University of Pennsylvania’s Applied Positive Psychology Program.
VIA Survey of Character Strengths Assessment and Applied Positive Psychology, training via FMCA
Nationally Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, via NBHWC, a nonprofit affiliate of the National Board of Medical Examiners
Crucial Conversations & Mastery of Dialogue, Certificate via TWU
Trinity Western University, BA in Psychology and Human Services, with Great Distinction
I do not bill any insurance at this time. Please reach out for pricing. ​
If cost is ever prohibitive please don't hesitate to let me know. I offer sliding scale spots.